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Old 02-01-2018, 03:05 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by carringb View Post
2000's did. I think it start in '97 but through '99 was drum brakes. So for disc brakes, '99-'02 might be the only years. And possibly only in extended wagons.
Thank you. I am still super bummed (and a tad bitter ) that my extended 2002 with a 7.3 didn't come full float, but it did come 4.10 with LSD.

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Old 02-01-2018, 03:22 PM   #82
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I just spoke with Quigley, and since the Chevy trucks came 8x6.5 anyway, they don't make any changes, except that they machine the hub so the abs tone right will fit.

Anyway, I'm not sure about going on a witch hunt to find a 8x170 hub that will fit into this axle, since even aftermarket hubs for chevy will have 8x6.5 bolt pattern...I think I'm gonna go look for a Dana 70.

To get a Dana 70, a Cutaway seem to be a sure bet. Carringb, I saw your posts discussing SRW E350 cutaways with midship and rear tank on dieselstop forums, the rear tank being a few inches wider, is it terrible to have the rear be a little wider?

I looked there's a 2008 E350 cutaway SRW 10.5 ring gear axle kind of near me, do you think this would work with the existing rear drive shaft?
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Old 02-01-2018, 05:04 PM   #83
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I think the wider rear track from the cutaway axle is desirable. It'll pretty much a 4x4 front axle anyways, without the need to adapters. I went ahead and put adapters on my dad's 2wd van, for extra stability.

2008 was the 1st year for 4-channel ABS, so you can't stuff it into an older van without giving up ABS and more importantly, the electronic brake biasing. Unless you can figure out a workaround for the ABS sensor. Adding the tone ring would be easy. Adding the center sensor port might be tricky to locate. The casting is the same, but if the hole is off even 1mm it can lose the signal.
2000 E450 dually V10 wagon
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Old 02-01-2018, 05:31 PM   #84
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Ok, I'd like to retain ABS if possible. Too bad, they were pretty low mileage too. I don't know ABS systems well enough to even attempt to make it work with my van. Back to square one for now. 02-07 SRW cutaways might work a little better?
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Old 02-01-2018, 06:32 PM   #85
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Yup. Just getting hard to find older rear axles in good condition it seems.
2000 E450 dually V10 wagon
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Old 02-01-2018, 08:33 PM   #86
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I’ve been looking forever for a 05-07 f250sd 4.30 end. I’m getting to the point of just getting a 4.10 and trying out. I have new spring perches ready to go. That year has the right brake brackets and I already have 8x170 wheels with spacers. The amount of work described gives me some pause. Looking forward to your report. Mine has lsd and has developed a bump on acceleration. I was planning on new springs to get rid of the lift blocks Quadvan used. Ever since I got my tranny sorted out it’s as if mine van never had power properly delivered so now I am discovering all these issues that really bug me. The main concern which seems each addresses is the broken axel out in bfe leaving you stranded.

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Old 02-13-2018, 07:39 PM   #87
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Converting my Dana 60 rear FF to 8 on 170mm and disc brakes

I'd like to convert my rear Dana 60 (in my '96 E350) to rear Ford Truck disc brakes w/parking brake and 170mm lug pattern.

I don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater and swap in a 10.5 Sterling, mostly because of cost.

My axle is already full float, has 4.10 gears to match the front, and has a locker installed. (rear end cost, gear swap, locker, probably drive shaft work, $1.5K-$2k if I do it myself)

I'm having problems with the drum brakes. They won't stay adjusted, the curved nail pins and mousetrap springs have come apart 3 times now. I don't like to give in, but I'm about "over it".

If I swap them for discs, I may as well eliminate the rear wheel adapters at the same time (my front axle is a 99-01 Dana 60 w/170mm pattern, I have 2 sets of tires/wheels for it)

I've seen the $300 brake conversion kits , that for $200 more, you can add 1979 Cadillac Eldorado rear calipers, that have provisions for a parking brake. Do some cable work, and have a mediocre parking brake, brakes that you can get parts for, a single piston caliper on a 10" vented Chevy 4x4 truck front rotor. Not bad, but But those kits are for light trail rigs with 1 ton axles, like most of us my rig is over 9000lbs, and I tow with it. I think I want a super duty truck 2 piston rear caliper and proper expanding internal shoe parking/ebrake. If I had bigger wheels, I would have gone to F450 front brakes already.

My current hubs can't be re-drilled for 170mm pattern, not enough material to do so.

I'd like to fit a 8 on 170mm 99-'01 or so Ford truck disc brake with expanding shoe type parking brake set up from a metric single rear wheel F series. I'm not sure if those are Dana, or all Sterling? I have no idea if a Sterling hub will fit on a Dana axle stub... Anyone?
1995 E350 7.3 Diesel, 4x4 high roof camper, UJOR 4" lift
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