Damn JG, That shot is just amazing!!! I'm envious sitting at my desk, with our SMB parked, damn. We will be heading N up 395 on Friday morning and should be in Bishop by 3 or 4pm. If you are in the area, drop us a line.
Herb, after 10 days of intense seaching by Riverside, SBCo, LACo & Ventura SAR & K9 teams...the seach has been called off. Next weekend other units will certainly be on site, but at this point I beleive it is a recovery. Soon as more snow melts, I'm sure he will be located. And no, my SMB doesn't see use on SAR ops...although our Team would like to purchase one for the purpose of transporting members to out-of-county ops. Recently, we had the family of person we rescued donate a large endownment to our unit, so that might be a not too distant reality.