Every thing they look at needs replacing. Tested the injectors - 3 leaking.
Checked main/rod bearings - scored from fuel in the oil. Who knows what else is still hidden in there.
Since a new long block has all new (latest) injectors, HPOP, pistons, bearings, etc I'm going with that. Let's see if I get out of here Thursday.
Still have to decide if I will drive up the Cassiar or take the ferry from Bellingham or Prince Rupert. Tough choice. I know I want to come down the Cassiar and stop at Hyder and check the Salmon Glacier (
viewtopic.php?f=11&t=3611 near the bottom of the thread).
Ok, I went back and looked at my pictures of the Salmon and Bear glaciers. It might be nice to have pictures 5-6 weeks apart. That would mean driving up and down the Cassiar. Still undecided.