Well first you have to take into account that this is a very densely populated area of the world. However there are nice areas to camp out. Near my departure location there are the Jura mountains which don't stand very high and have nice forest / pastures to camp and trek.
The Alps also offer quite nice places but the roads are very sinuous
The west coast of France is also quite "wild"
Of course there is no way near the territory you have in the US and American continent, regulations are quite strict in some areas and camping can be restricted to official campsites. But stealth camping if you are fully discrete is ok specially in forest areas...
My trip is, as I said, not really a camping trip it is to take family for holidays by the sea. And as I have never traveled in the van it is a sort of "getting used to it" trip. I deed to do some more work on it to get it ready for real adventure
among others fit a trailer hitch and cargo platform on the rear to load fuel and water reserves bikes etc...
I will try and do as good a photo report as I can on the route, kids tend to keep my attention permanently but Missus Saabman miight be prepared to snap a few pics