Originally Posted by ShuttlePilot
I always wondered how that worked.
pure witchcraft
funny you posted ole jc. he was a little before my time, but I always use that quote in my best jc voice  haven't seem them in a while, but one of the free channels here was playing his old reruns. was cool to see them every now and again.
Originally Posted by vwteleman
Huh! You learn something new everyday.
we really do. especially round these parts.
Originally Posted by 86Scotty
Wow. That's crafty. This interwebs thing is gonna be Yuge!
someday for sure!
"understeer is when you hit the wall with the front of your car, oversteer is when you hit the wall with the rear of your car, horsepower is how hard your car hits the wall, and torque is how far your car moves the wall."