So ive built harnesses before, its really not too bad especially if you have a used one to copy.
Basically you get yourself a sheet of 1/2" or 3/8" plywood, whatever is cheap, and use some hooks and lay out the whole harness on the plywood. You can write your notes right on the plywood. Start by laying it out loomed so you get the layout, then unloom it, then untape it, making sure to keep the wires in their respective hooks. Once it is modified, loom and tape it back up. Not hard, just time consuming. Once you have a road map, its just a matter of going from A to B.
Could either build it from scratch if you want to and can find all the connectors or start with a similar year truck harness and modify as needed. I wouldnt cut and splice, I would depin connectors and crimp new pins on the wires and reinsert into the connectors.