Originally Posted by bisonthecruiser
Both batteries will end up being 850cc
I asked the question above to try to determine which of these use cases is worse:
Cranking a cold 7.3 that may not fire up instantly.....700 or so amps pulled even for 10-20 seconds will likely heat up even large cables. I'm guessing at how many amps a 7.3 pulls while starting; I'm pretty sure it's more than the gas engined vans....since the diesels have 2 starting batteries.
...or pumping 300A or so back to the batteries.....this assumes 70A or so of your 370A alternator is going to powering other stuff in the van....again a SWAG but I'm guessing I'm close.
If the batteries are lead acid chemistry I can't imagine they will be pulling that much.....LiFePo4 batteries different story.