Still curious why my 2003 has a 1992 stamp though. Do all 4th gen vans have that same stamp?
"understeer is when you hit the wall with the front of your car, oversteer is when you hit the wall with the rear of your car, horsepower is how hard your car hits the wall, and torque is how far your car moves the wall."
AS MSD said the 3rd gen is as wide as the 2nd gen. I found that out on a 3rd gen top I still have that I am looking for the right project. I think gen 4 was to help gas mileage assistance of it's design creating less drag!
Take a picture of the jamb to for a visual location so we can see what you are talking about.
When I visited SMB west a few years ago, the salesperson showed me the stamp on their demo van which had 1992 on it. He told me it was there because Ford was using the same van design since 92 and how great that was. It is just referencing the initial design year.