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Old 11-11-2010, 02:21 PM   #1
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80's era Econoline - EFI better than carb'd?

I'm currently looking at a few older Ford vans with the Pathfinder/Quadravan conversion. I know this is more of a general engine question more so than a SMB specific, but can anybody provide input on whether the 80's ('87 and newer, if I recall) EFI system was a huge improvement over the carbureted engines (pre - '87)? It is my understanding that some aftermarket carbs can be tuned for reasonable mileage, but not sure if that is a better option than holding out for a later model year with EFI.

This would be for the 302's and 351W's - I'm trying to avoid the 460 as I'm guessing even with EFI I'll be watching the fuel gauge at a rapid rate.

As far as fuel economy is concerned, I'm aware that the gear ratios and tranny selection will play as much of a role as anything else.

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Old 11-11-2010, 02:32 PM   #2
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Re: 80's era Econoline - EFI better than carb'd?

EFI on my 86 Jeep Cherokee was a lot better than carbed, judging by running with other Jeeps through the same offroad trails. You get into angle and altitude problems really quickly with a carb... separate issues, but it's no fun having no power at 9,000 feet, nor having it stall when you're climbing something too steep.
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Old 11-11-2010, 04:52 PM   #3
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Re: 80's era Econoline - EFI better than carb'd?

I run a carb'd 351W on my Bronco, and while it runs rich at 8500' elevation, I still have plenty of power. For way out in the boonies, I prefer the simplicity of a carb.

I will say though, the mid-80's weren't exactly a stellar period for most American vehicles.
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Old 11-11-2010, 05:20 PM   #4
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Re: 80's era Econoline - EFI better than carb'd?

FWIW: My friends early 80's 300-6 with a carb got 20 MPG while my 89 EFI 300-6 got 14 MPG. Both were F150 2wd pick ups with the direct 4 spd. That's a 43% difference!

I ended up converting to propane and brought the MPG down to 12 but cost per mile looked more like 25 MPG at the time, not counting the cost of converting. I only mention the propane because I'm told it will work at any angle unlike a gas carb.
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Old 11-11-2010, 05:42 PM   #5
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Re: 80's era Econoline - EFI better than carb'd?

But you can run a gas carb on charcoal if you're desperate!
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Old 11-11-2010, 06:02 PM   #6
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Re: 80's era Econoline - EFI better than carb'd?

Well, I was afraid that EFI was going to be the correct answer! The plan is to build a budget camper rig to use for a year or so to assess interior needs as well as 4x4 need vs. want. I may end up opting to get the straightest, best driving rig in lieu of limiting myself to EFI though just to minimize my overall investment.

If I had any common sense whatsoever, I'd get a mid 90's 2wd for the same budget but there is something cool about those old style 4x4 vans - especially if you can find one that isn't beat up too bad!

FWIW, I likely wouldn't be driving above 5000' too often and would primarily be using the 4x4 capabilities in the snow more than crazy angle wheeling. That should help curb a few limitations if I end up going the way of the carb.

I appreciate your info guys!
2009 Express AWD, CCV Top & 50-ish home build. Daily driver/camper/kid hauler
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Old 11-11-2010, 07:01 PM   #7
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Re: 80's era Econoline - EFI better than carb'd?

I had a 1988 Econoline E150 with a high top and medium weight camper conversion. It had a 302 engine, auto transmission and really high gearing, like 3.3:1. We usually got 12-13 mpg, once or twice got 14 mpg. Had to lock out overdrive a lot! This is a combination of around town and highways/freeways. Lots of hills.

The EFI worked flawlessly, always started right up even on cold mornings at the ski area and never ran rough. That is the main reason I would prefer EFI. If you want mpg get a diesel
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Old 10-28-2011, 05:50 AM   #8
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Re: 80's era Econoline - EFI better than carb'd?

I just recently bought an 1987 E250 and can say that there are a lot of issues in the old smog equipment, one being they don't make some of the parts anymore and when you do find parts they usually run between $50 and $100 per part so the bill runs up quick, my code reader just said I need to replace the EGR Valve so at $100 I thought cool easy fix! so I replaced it and now it's throwing codes like a pitcher in a little league game. I just sold my carbed truck with the same motor and I prefer the simplicity of carbureted, a lot easier to work on, cheaper parts and no code reader needed! just my .02 but then again I am old school!
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