Originally Posted by BCam
I was keying off of NRL's post #10: "Of all places, I got hit at the RV storage yard with 24hr security and cameras. They hit 20 vehicles(Gold mine at the RV storage yard, I think they hit every Ford RV/truck)."
I've read elsewhere that Ford trucks have a richer amount of rare metals in them and are more popular with thieves.
Never heard that Ford's cats were more valuable but then my 2000 E-250 got hit right in front of my house parked on the street.
I'm not trying to be contentious or contrary but it seems we need a system or strategy to stop the thieves even before they begin cutting.
Cameras are all well and good
however most aren't monitored in real time, at best they catch the action as history, scant chance of anything useful coming from the recordings. As we all know most often the undersides of our vans is left vulnerable, very few if any alarms other than the Cats Eye device ever address that.
I don't see too many reviews or such on the Catstrap in general so once again we have something that's possible but not yet proven to stop the thieves before they're done their damage.
Perhaps the underside plate is the best way to disuade them?
Once we've rounded that corner though we'll have be driving EV's anyway it seems.