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Old 06-11-2007, 01:04 PM   #1
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Diesels For Dummies

Hello everyone - we are in the process of purchasing a new 2007 Ford RB 4x4 Diesel. We have mailed in the deposit and we are heading to Fresno at the end of the month to configure the van.

This will be my first time owning a diesel engine vehicle. Also, I've never done much work on my own cars/trucks besides changing air filters and bulbs. I've always had my oil changes done at a center.

So, I was wondering if there is anywhere I can go to read about diesel engine operation, maintenance and repairs for someone with my limited knowledge. A book would be great if one exists and is pertinent to my situation. Especially since I would at least like to change my own oil in the future.

I should add that we are getting a diesel over a V10 for the following reasons:
  • 1. It will be my everyday driver and fuel economy is important
    2. We want to be able to use bio-diesels
    3. We are hoping to keep the SMB for a very long time (longevity of the diesel engine)
    4. In a pinch I like the idea of being able to recharge the batteries by running the engine (2007 has a built in auxillary idle control).
    5. Increased mileage range between fuel stops

Also, some more specific questions:
  • 1. I'm currrently debating getting the Amsoil Remote Dual-Bypass filter installed. Unfortunately I've been getting a lot of different feedback on what the filter & oil change intervals should be with the SMB. However, I've also heard that this system makes do it yourself oil changes much easier.
    2. We are getting the van now so we can run "regular" diesel in Baja and the ulta low sulfur fuel now used in the US. Are there any additives I should be using with either fuel?
    3. I've read a bit about engine braking, however, I'm not exactly sure what it is. Does this just mean to shift the automatic to lower gears when decelerating, similar to downshifting in a manual transmission? Any other driving tips/tricks?
    4. Is there any other maintenance that I should learn how to do myself (besides oil & oil filter changes) that would be relatively easy and would save a fair amount of money? I consider myself very "handy", I just have very little experience with autombiles.

2007 Ford RB Diesel SMB 4x4 Pueblo Gold; Custom configuration (aisle layout); PIAA 580 driving lights; Picked up on Oct 19, 2007.
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Old 06-11-2007, 08:31 PM   #2
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Re: Diesels For Dummies

Welcome to the wonderful world of SMB and 6.0L PSTD ownership.
I cannot give You any of the specific information You request because I too am a DIESEL DUMMY and I choose to remain so .
All my service is performed on or before schedule at the local Ford dealer wherever I happen to be when it comes due.
There is much valuable information in other forums including but not limited to: Trailer Life Forums, The Diesel Garage, The Diesel Stop,, Blue Oval forum, Yahoo Sportsmobile Owners group, and my Yahoo forum @
Although You'll read many horror stories in the forums, don't let them scare You, as there are also many Ford Master Diesel Service Technicians on board to lend a hand to us dummies.
I've learned a lot in forums, particularly how to protect my investment in the 6.0L PSTD.
Check them out and stay tuned here as several participants are also Master techs and/or self service afficianados.
Ken Kill Sr.
2005 SMB RB15
Voyager Roof
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Old 07-23-2007, 06:10 PM   #3
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ULS Fuel

I just confirmed that SMB West has an 07 RB Diesel in stock...this requires ultra low sulfur fuel. Is there any easy way to run regular diesel found in Mexico?

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Old 07-23-2007, 06:28 PM   #4
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Re: ULS Fuel

Originally Posted by jason_leaf_indymac
I just confirmed that SMB West has an 07 RB Diesel in stock...this requires ultra low sulfur fuel. Is there any easy way to run regular diesel found in Mexico?

Actually, the 2007 E-Series Powerstroke diesels do NOT require the ultra low sulfur fuel. This is the main reason we purchased our's when we did. So you would be fine in Mexico.
2007 Ford RB Diesel SMB 4x4 Pueblo Gold; Custom configuration (aisle layout); PIAA 580 driving lights; Picked up on Oct 19, 2007.
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Old 07-23-2007, 06:28 PM   #5
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Then I hope John was wrong about it requiring the Ultra Low Sulfur. I will ask him again. Thanks!
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Old 07-23-2007, 06:39 PM   #6
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Well, I'm obviously no expert, seeing how I started this thread with "Diesel for Dummies" in the subject . However, the E350 van comes with the 6.0L Powerstroke. The new diesel Powerstrokes designed for the ULSD fuel are the 6.4L.
2007 Ford RB Diesel SMB 4x4 Pueblo Gold; Custom configuration (aisle layout); PIAA 580 driving lights; Picked up on Oct 19, 2007.
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Old 07-23-2007, 07:26 PM   #7
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I got an email that he is double checking and that he received conflicting information....but just in case the 07 is stuck with using only ULS fuel check out this link regarding fuel in Baja ... 390&page=1
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Old 07-24-2007, 12:01 AM   #8
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If the '07 Ford E350 has a 6.0 Powerstroke Turbo Diesel (all that I know of do), then it will run fine on LSD. And you can burn ULSD as LSD is phased out in the US, keep in mind you may need to add a lubricating additive & cetane booster. No big deal there.

This was precisely one of the reasons my wife and I bought an 07 Ford E350 6.0 diesel. We plan on travelling much in Baja and other places where the new fuel ins't available. I believe much of the confusion stems from the fact that all 07 Ford trucks have the new International 6.4 diesel, which is specifically designed to run on ULSD

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Old 07-25-2007, 05:43 PM   #9
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I received more info from John... Turns out that the 2007 is different depending on the manufacture date. If built prior to 1/1/2007 then it can run on both types of Diesel. If manufactured after this date it is limited to the Ultra Low Sulfur. Still waiting to see what date the van I am looking at was manufactured.
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Old 07-26-2007, 10:42 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by jason_leaf_indymac
I received more info from John... Turns out that the 2007 is different depending on the manufacture date. If built prior to 1/1/2007 then it can run on both types of Diesel. If manufactured after this date it is limited to the Ultra Low Sulfur. Still waiting to see what date the van I am looking at was manufactured.
This still sounds wrong to me. I didn't think they ever manufactured the 6.0L Powerstroke to run on ULSD only. I thought this was only the 6.4L. Someone please slap some sense into me if I'm wrong.
2007 Ford RB Diesel SMB 4x4 Pueblo Gold; Custom configuration (aisle layout); PIAA 580 driving lights; Picked up on Oct 19, 2007.
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