Just want to give Scott a great big

for getting me off my procrastination about his lights. They are freaking awesome! I drove 400 miles up 101 from LA with great night time lighting and not a single flash from the oncoming drivers. Also, the cars in front of me were not being blasted, the beam cut off is super sharp. High Beams lit up everything!
The install was not too bad. We removed the battery from the engine compartment which made mounting the ballasts on the driver side a little easier. Also, we tapped into the positive power at the fuse block on the driver side and ran the longer lead to the passenger side light across the radiator upper cross support. Super clean install (I will get more pics and update when I can, have a wedding to go to this weekend so it will be a bit).
I still have to connect the LED strip and the Halo. I want those on rate switch so I can use them as a more subtle light when entering campgrounds at night.
Very, very happy !! Did I already say these were awesome?! I highly recommend these lights!
Thanks again Scott!!!