I bought one of these tops from Mark for my RB. It was a real easy transaction and Mark is super cool to deal with. I just wanted to share my experience for anyone who's considering one of these tops.
Obviously function and cost are two of the biggest items to consider when considering the addition of a top, any top. Like many others on here, I have gone over all the pros and cons of every conceivable variable of pop-tops vs high-tops and then weighed the benefits against the costs for each. However, when Mark posted his tops for sale, it made it an easy choice for me. The price he's offering right now was just too reasonable to pass up.
Here are the advantages of Mark's tops that helped me make the decision to go with him:
1. Price. His price is about half of what Fiberine wants for a comparable top.
2. Quality. When I received my top I was able to see that the quality of his tops are on par with the Fiberine tops that I've seen.
3. Style. Fiberine makes a top with a similar style, but Mark's top has a few added style lines in the mold which help to break up the marshmellow look. I plan to use a few of those cues when I paint mine to help break up the monolithic look.
4. Support. Mark provides install instructions, has been very responsive by email to answer all of my questions, and has made himself available by phone when necessary.
5. Shipping. Mark arranged to ship the top to my house, which for me was a huge plus. I have the means to install myself and it won't require me to take the time or expense of a trip to Fiberine in California for install. When considering getting other tops shipped to my house, the shipping quotes I received were most often times almost as much as the top itself which was a deal breaker for me. The shipping quote I got from Mark was very, very reasonable. I was a bit concerned about the top arriving in good condition, but everything worked out fine and the top arrived without any damage.
I will post up pics of my van when I'm finished with the install, but I just wanted to post the details of my experience here in case it's helpful to someone else who's considering going this route. Just for the record, I didn't know Mark before contacting him for a top, I just wanted to post up my experience since it's been a positive one.
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