I traveled a similar road when I sold our beloved 16’ Camplite trailer in order to prioritize investing in the van. Though I miss the trailer a bunch (the room! the shower!), I’m glad I made the switch. Here’s what I’ve found:
1. Jumping in the van and GOING is so much easier. No trailer to hook up, etc. I find we get in and go more often.
2. I sure don’t miss pulling the trailer on the road. Though the Camplite was indeed light, you’re still pulling more than a ton of metal behind you. And also a wind-catcher.
3. I can go down any - and I mean any - road without worrying if I can get out. There was many a road, not even dirt, that we didn’t turn onto because I feared there wouldn’t be a turn-around opportunity. Forty feet of vehicle(s) is a lot. Now? I take a turn and, if I don’t like what I see, I turn around. Heck, even if I had to back out, it’s WAY easier than contemplating doing it with a trailer in tow.
4. The campsite: pull in, enjoy. No more “Will we fit?”, or backup disasters, or yelling from the rear, “Tree limb!”, or major leveling, or hookups, or whatever.
5. Time to go? Procedure: Get in, go.
6. I can tow whatever I want to camp. Boat? Bikes?
7. Last but not least on my personal list: when we just wanted to stop for a burger while traveling, I hated trying to figure out if I could fit in the drive-thru or, barring that, be able turn around in the parking lot. Scouting out every darn burger stop was a pain. Admittedly, since I put the poptop and a roof rack on (9 ft exactly) I do have to watch the drive-thrus. But I can also just park and hop out like a regular person.
I really do miss the room in the trailer and only time will tell if we wind up spending as many extended days in the van. But since it’s also my daily driver, having a nice 19ft RB let’s me park in most places. I no longer feel like I have an expensive toy that just sits in the driveway waiting to be used.
I hope this helps some. That Bambi is great but I encourage you to move ahead with your direction. Good luck and have fun!
