Originally Posted by 6north
Upside down again!!! What is going on here?
Hey, I've noted several times now that
*any pictures taken with an iPhone* and then uploaded
can end up sideways/upside-down like that. Even if you've "correctly oriented them" on your iPhone first.
Somehow the iPhone image data still tells whatever webpage that receives them to orient the picture the way it was *originally* photographed.
How I've fixed that:
I downloaded the free version of the "PS Express" App (produced by Adobe, the guys who make Photoshop) and then opened up each of those problem images on my iPhone with that app....then I re-oriented them properly....and then I saved them back to the iPhone image directory
as a new copy of the image.
These new copies of the image that were produced from the "PS Express" App (after that open/re-oreint correctly/save new copy process) have not had the upside-down/sideways problem any more.