Originally Posted by daveb
Wonder if SMB meant yours was the first build of that year? Also I'm pretty sure that model in the Autoramblings article was their proto-type. That was a long time ago and they might have made changes throughout the years.
No, he made a point of letting me know that I would be their first ProMaster with a pop top on the road. But listen, it doesn’t surprise me… My salesman, and I’m just talking about my salesman, he was kind of a jerk. And he lied about a couple of other things and I remember asking him later on why he told me things that were just obviously and blatantly not true, and he responded “I’ve never told you anything that wasn’t true.” And I replied “You just did, just now… I’m done with you, I’m not talking with you about anything anymore.” And he walked away. So no, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he was just out right lying to me about random things. I’m not sure what he thought it was going to get him. Maybe he thought that if I thought I’d have the very first one in the whole of the United States, I would definitely book the appointment and put my deposit down. I don’t know., But at this point I don’t care too. It is what it is. I love the van, it’s completely finished, and all of the SMB problems have been resolved. And hopefully no more come up.