^^^ I wasn’t referring to the actual vehicles themselves, but more speaking of the upfitters, but the premium price for the 7.3 vans is a good example. I could never find a 4x4 7.3 van for the price I paid in 2012.
Originally Posted by N147JK
I'm not sure they are better. I am more attracted to the older designs than the new ones. The older units feel more solid and better built. Might be just an illusion.. or maybe it's my age!
Specifically speaking I was directly talking about smb vs ccv. The ccv units imho are better in many ways than the smb tops, even though I prefer the looks of the smb top. Even if the only better quality is the width of the bed, it’s definitely an upgrade, for me anyway.
Originally Posted by 86Scotty
How do I thank this post 15 or 20 times?
I'm right there with you Shenrie. I have to hold my tongue a lot.
The trickle down has gotten so bad that you can't even buy a beat up ambulance on the cheap anymore. Look them up, what was 5 grand years ago is now 30.
Agree. It’s frustrating. Life throws the curveballs and sometimes you’re catching them upside the head. I’m super glad we have our van but I also ponder selling it cause as it sits #vanlife has priced me out of being able to continue with the build we started. Luckily, the basic build we did way back is bare bones but we have sleeping quarters and in all reality, that’s all we really need to get out. I am very thankful for that. Especially for the sanity of my better half.
We sold our pickup to fund the van and sold a racecar to fund the pop top. I’m glad people are finding ways around the insane prices and getting outdoors, but honestly I don’t see how folks are doing it. Props to you newcomers figuring it out, but again I feel for those not well off enough to join in on being a camper van owner. It really is the best way we’ve found to get out more easily and often.
In 2020 we got 65 nights in the van. Almost exclusively just weekend trips and not more than 3 hours from home base. If it wasn’t for the van, there’s no way we would have tent camped that much.