As an intro - I'm a car guy, but mostly older European stuff. Started in VWs and spread into Porsches and BMWs, Audis etc. A few years ago I got fed up (again) with the corporate world and struck out on my own with my side business as full time, buying and selling new and used car parts, brokering car deals for others, flipping one or two for myself, etc.
I've always had VW buses and vanagons, and love them, using a Vanagon as my shop truck for the last few years. Works great, but it also means I have to have another big truck to tow with, or for home projects. The more I thought about a full size 4x4 van, the more sense it made.
I can tow cars with it. I can load it up with swap meet supplies (easily). I can use it in the snow in the winter. I can camp with the family in it. So I started looking. And looking. Missed a few, and then had a few in my price range pop up at the same time. This one turned out to be the one.
1996 Ford E250 with 105k miles, 351W, Salem Kroger Leaf Spring conversion, cargo van, with extra passenger window cut in. AC, power locks and windows, Warn winch (front bumper space out with top filler panel), rear bumper spaced out a little, single quick release front bench behind front seats, cycle tie downs mounted in back. Perfect for me.
Plans are new tires and wheels, stock grill, space the mirrors out a touch, tint the windows, replace the rears with popout windows, build a fold down rear bed platform, and use it!!