What do you think a chateau e350 quigley is worth?
2003 e350 van 90k miles v10 leather loaded 4 captions seats with bench in back the bend sheet into the captains chairs are removable
Quigley out of Portland it's a 7-passenger chateau version Everything is in perfect condition transmission motor only got ninety seven thousand never really even been off road there's no mud underneath it has Kingwood alarm computer programmer for the motor oversized travel tank sway bars BFG 35 inch all terrains good tread good condition. CD player 6 changer DVD player exhaust thing is loaded tip top shape.
Also OP, are you looking to purchase this or hoping to list it to sell? It would help us out, as these are your only 2 posts on the forum, knowing your intentions so we can respond appropriately.
'03 Ford E350 7.3L Diesel
SMB RB50 w/CCV top
Quigley 4X4 w/Deavers & Agile RIP kit
'03 Ford E350 7.3L Diesel
(de)SMB'd Custom RB-50
Quigley 4X4 w/Deavers & Agile Offroad's R.I.P. package
CCV High Profile Pop Top
Somebody offered to trade this van for my 09 Tacoma double cab and I just don't think the value is there I was hoping I could talk to some people that really know about these vehicles
Thank you