Originally Posted by byakima
We have that type of latch. Do you know where we confined one of these?
The "brand name" latch of this style is a Southco M1-2A series pop out knob latch...
There are numerous imported knock-offs of many Southco products; I've found that paying for the real thing is worth it in this case.
If your latch is a Southco, it will say Southco on it somewhere....in which case it's possibly installed incorrectly, or is the incorrect P/N. If it's not a Southco and you are interested in replacing it with a Southco part I can help you spec the correct P/N.
They usually have different P/N's for different finishes and panel thicknesses.
Many times you can find your exact P/N on ebay..especially for common finishes and 3/4" panel thickness...there happens to be 88 listings for Southco M1-2A latches on Ebay right now....and I'm sure some of them are knock-offs and some are the real deal.
They sell for around $15 on ebay