Yeah that is it..
I met him in Nov and we talked for a while (I am a spanish speaker even though he has pretty good english).
Found out that he doesn't wear his legs due to fit issues.
Went home as talked to my prosthetic maker, got the names of some of the reps of the parts makers.
Now trying to setup a time to go down there and cast his limbs, then have to go back and test fit him, then go back and make adjustments.
It will take 3-5 trips and 3-4 months I think to work it out.
Not likely to happen until May or June I think...alot of ducks to get into a row.
There are 2 big issues, 1) he is impatient
and not alot of residual limb to work with
2) double amputees have it tough no matter what.
I am also looking into a set of used hand controls that can transfer car to car, he currently uses a ATV and when driving a car/truck a leg he made himself and a couple of sticks
Super cool dude. Not for sure we can make something happen but it would be nice if we could...cost coverage will be the big issue..what I can't get donated will have to come from Disabled Explorers...which really means my overtime shifts as we have never seen much in the way of donations.