Blackeye, your right on, it's the dry camp at Eureka Dunes.
Rocks, those crazy rocks....yes there were plenty more but you have to hike across the playa about a quarter mile from the road at the south end. There were plenty more rocks there, LOL
Big ones, little ones, all seemingly going in different directions. The Rangers told us it's the visitors that take them and they don’t want to hike too far out to get them so that’s why we needed to walk across the playa at the south end to see a lot of them.
The first pick is looking across the playa to where the rocks are. The others are from up on the hill looking down.
Sorry about the picture quality, it was real cloudy, Rain was on the way!
I found it pretty amazing and even more amazing no one knows how or why. Lots of dispelled theories though.
Thanks for the kind words glad you enjoyed the trip,