Lifeline AGM 4 D batteries
I stopped for lunch yesterday, the fridge was cold, everything was fine. 3 hours later when I got home the fridge wasn't running and the Van battery was stone cold dead, no reading on the voltmeter at all. It's been hooked up to shore power overnight, and hasn't accepted a charge. I had spent 4 days travelling and camping, ran the lights at night, the furnace in the morning and the reefer was running all the time. The volt meter always read 12.8 or above. The battery is 5 1/2 years old, and when I'm not using The Van, it's in the garage, plugged in to shore power. Has anyone had any experience with the Lifeline AGM batteries, how long they last, and when the die, is it a slow death, or do they just up and quit?
2005 SMB RB 50 4X4 w/ a 6.0 PSD