Circa 2000-ish, I used to ride the bus or skateboard-commute by a house where a nicely kept '70 Chevy Monte Carlo lived. I caught up with the owner one day and asked if he wanted to part with it. He said sure for maybe $2500 bucks, but that his teenage daughter drove it so he'd have to ask her. She was at work. Dad said she wanted a Honda Civic or the like anyway. I said let's make a deal.
I thought we'd get it done that day, so I waited for an hour or two for her to get back (think pre cell phone ubiquity) before I took off. The dad called me an hour later to say sorry. Daughter couldn't part with the car after all. I couldn't blame her really. I was bummed though because the car was already mine in my imagination...
Anyhow, I know the feeling
Thanks for the excuse to tell the story. Good luck with the search!