Originally Posted by sdwindansea
I would still be reluctant to head down to Baja solo right now as well . I've been to Utah in the early spring and late fall, but never in the middle of winter. What about Arizona as another, warmer option for that time of year?
Utah is a choice because of the scenery Mrs. Wilson wants to see
Arizona is a bit less scenic
Will do some homework
I lived in Mammoth for 10 years, i am ok w/ dressing for the cold
The wife, being form Thailand gets cold easy but IS better after two years
Me thinks, with Hot Chilies long johns, lined pants and a good parka we would be good
will be calling the Kodachrome state park ranger tomarrow to get some first hand info
Sad about The Baja
Will post on Baja Nomads, they do some caravan type trips
will advise